Customer Testimonials

It’s always so nice to have all of the stress released from my body.
- John C.Seattle, WA

Alison gives a wonderful massage. She is very personable and knows how to really work the kinks out of my neck and shoulders.
- Rob W.Seattle, WA

You guys get all of the kinks out of my shoulders and back! I will definitely send more business your way.
- AnonymousSeattle, WA

Boy! You guys sure know what you are doing. My employee's work production has almost doubled since using your massage services. Thanks! Oh yes, my employee's send a great big thanks as well, they feel great.
- AnonymousBellevue, WA

Let The Massage Team bring wellness to you!  Whether a solo therapist visit or multi-day events with large staffing needs, I’ve got you covered.  To schedule a mobile massage for your office or event contact me TODAY!