Mar 09

Massage Team payment methods - a primer for clients
by Alison M
Our lovely clients often ask how to pay us for services. The preferred method is always up to you but below is a primer to help guide decisions. In order from most preferred to least preferred by your faithful service provider :-)
PayPal (info coming)
Venmo (info coming)
Google Gpay (info coming)
Square Cash / Cash App
pros: free, fast, secure, no postage costs.
cons: debit cards only, cap on weekly sends
After processing payroll on a Saturday, I've now moved Square Cash to the top of the list because it was nearly instantaneous! (Normally my team would have waited 5-10 days to get paid.) We've been using Square's mobile credit card processing for years now. More recently Square launched a spin-off service called Square Cash which functions a little differently. Using either 1) a special phone app, 2) specially formatted emails or 3) specially formatted text messages, client companies can use their business debit cards to 'get squared up'.
Contact Alison the owner for a referral invite and we both get $5 for you to try out Square Cash.
Zelle (info coming)
pros: free, fast, secure, no postage costs.
cons: not available to all clients.
Stands for "Automated Clearing House". If you use your bank's online billpay to pay credit card bills, mortgage, utilities, etc, then you've used ACH payments without even knowing it. Invoices to many clients will included needed digits for ACH payments. The ability to process ACH to a small company like The Massage Team will vary between our client companies... and I'm not sure how those who've managed it are set up. If your bank does not easily allow an ACH payment to us, your payment then becomes...
Online Billpay check
pros: free, fast, fairly secure, no postage costs.
cons: even PO boxes can get broken into.
In the same online billpay area, you would simply plug in the following data for us. Payable to: On-Site MassageWorks PLLC (or payable to: The Massage Team). Mailing address: PO Box 6105, Bellevue WA 98008.
Personal / business check
pros: free, familiar, companies still use checks.
cons: even PO boxes can get broken into.
The great thing about the first 2 options (above) is that a client's bank pays to print and mail a check to us, not the client company. If you still prefer a good old fashioned check, feel free. Payable to: On-Site MassageWorks PLLC (or payable to: The Massage Team). Mailing address: PO Box 6105, Bellevue WA 98008. (Alison the owner can tell you about the ordeal of a PO Box break-in, until the local USPS office finally installed a camera in their 24 hour lobby.)
pros: free, familiar.
cons: major security issues in case of loss or theft.
Cash is king? Not always. If a client's cash payment goes A.W.O.L. then we're basically S.O.L. We can only accept cash payments at visits where Alison the owner is present -or- at select employee-paid wellness visits. (LMT contractors may always accept cash tips.)
Credit Cards
pros: fast, secure, no postage costs.
cons: processing fees.
We've been using Square mobile credit card processing for years now and love it. Alison the owner could tell horror stories about using credit card processors meant for brick-and-mortar establishments. One such processor forced Alison to shut down an otherwise functioning business bank account just to ‘stop the bleeding’. Square has won our loyalty and even our affection. (We are also set up with Intuit's GoPayment, Paypal Here and Google Wallet which compete directly with Square.)
Need your own CC processing? Process your first $1000 in credit card transactions with Square with no fees! Use this link to get started and your grateful author gets a referral bonus:
pros: secure, no postage costs.
cons: major processing fees.
We can receive wires if that is all a client company can process. But, there is a $20 fee to offset the fee our bank charges us. In this day and age I'm not sure why wires exist anymore, given the cost, but they do. *shrugs*